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Monday, November 21, 2016

Z: A demonica Novella by Larissa Ione

Z: A Demonica Novella by Larissa Ione is a masterpiece.  A quick read, but one that takes your breathe away.

Its hard to believe that a story that has taken place in the underworld could be a love story, but that’s exactly what this story is.  The story centres around Zubaal, a fallen angel who has given up everything to search for his one true love.  Working for the Grim Reaper he hopes to spot his love the moment her soul turns up.  What he didn’t expect was to find her when he crosses paths with Vex, a soul eater.

This story is so much more than hero searches for his heroine, finds her, they go through some hard times and all ends happy.  This story makes them work for it with a few very surprising twists.

As we learn in this story, souls are very funny strange things.  What you believe is one thing can turn out to be quite the opposite.  I absolutely loved the two main characters of Z and Vex and how they interact with each other.  Neither are looking for the other, both are loyal and loving, but you have to wonder if that’s enough.

Great read, great chemistry, great characters…..everything is GREAT.

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