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Monday, November 21, 2016

Deja Who by MaryJanice Davidson

Leah is an insighter, one who can view your past lives and tell you why you have that pesky phobia. She's the best at her job, but she has no tact, and only 1 friend... Her life is coming to an end soon, she knows it. It happens in every life, her murder I mean. Tragic really.

Archer is a part time private investigator, he's decided he's no longer going to spy on Leah and give her the heads up on his clients crazy requests. Too bad he won't be getting paid for this one... what he didn't expect was to be stabbed when he approached Leah... it was quite rude of her...

After apologizing to Archer for stabbing him, he decides he's willing to help her (he's kinda smitten by the insider for some reason) there's a murderer out there plotting her demise. And together  (with her crazy homeless friend Cat) they're going to catch him/her/it... they hope.

The relationship between Leah and Archer is definitely a different one. I truly enjoyed reading from Archers POV, his inner monologue was hilarious, and he doesn't act like a grown man, which of course is a guarantee good time! Leah was a little harder to digest. She's very cynical and is hard to trust others. They're each so different that some times it was hard to jump back and forth. I love MJ Davidson vampire series, but found this book was very hard to read, especially in the beginning and I had to reread a few things to understand what was going on. This is not a light read, and complete concentration is needed when reading this book (which is hard to do as a single mom of two girls...) 

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